May is 34th Annual Building Safety month, a national recognition promoted by the International Code Council (ICC) and endorsed by FEMA to bring awareness to how individuals and institutions can create and maintain safe, sustainable, and resilient homes and buildings. It is also an opportunity to bring visibility to strong building safety, fire prevention and energy codes and standards. Attached please find an ICC checklist of 10 important tips to remember for green and sustainable buildings taken from the Department of Energy. These can apply at MCC and at home.
For more information on the month and access to valuable resources go to FEMA’s Building Science Branch website at and the ICC’s Building Safety Month website at
Have a safe and sustainable summer!
I. What are your thoughts on our sustainability efforts? Check out our website at and our blog at Check out our new Facebook site at:
Thanks for your support. It takes the entire College to make sustainability work!
The MCC Sustainability Committee