RecycleMania is a competition and benchmarking tool for colleges and universities to promote recycling and waste reduction on campus.
Though we have participated in RecycleMania since 2011, this is our first time in the Competition Division. We are competing in the Per Capita Classic and Gorilla Prize (overall tonnage).
To help us compete, use the recycling containers on campus! There are blue recycling containers in common areas and select classrooms through out campus and some buildings even have dedicated recycling stations (LEED buildings). The large yellow dumpsters across campus (ex. LTC, MAC, BPAC.) are designated for recyclables as well. What can you recycle? MCC students, faculty, and staff can recycle paper, plastic, aluminum cans, and cardboard in any of the designated receptacles. You may even bring recyclable items from home. The MCC Library has also put together a “Green” display, highlighting books on sustainability and recycling, as well as displaying the manytypes of materials suitable for recycling.
Campus Conservation Nationals (CCN)- March 17- April 3
This is MCC's first year participating in the Campus Conservation Nationals. CCN is the largest electricity and water reduction competition for colleges and universities in the world. CCN strives to engage and motivate people to conserve resources. During the competition, BPAC, MAC, LTC, SB, AC, and HPS will monitor their electricity consumption for three weeks. The building with the greatest reduction in consumption wins, while the building with the least reduction will be awarded the Energy Hog prize! For more on CCN, visit http://competetoreduce.org. You can track our progress in real time by visiting http://buildingdashboard.net/mclennan/#/mclennan and pledge to commit to different energy saving behaviors or click on a specific building to track its progress.
Energy saving tips :
• Don’t leave cell phone or laptop chargers plugged in when not in use! Chargers consume “phantom energy” if left plugged in.
• Turn off lights when leaving a room!
• Take the stairs instead of the elevator! Burn calories not watts!
• Turn off computers (don’t just log-off) when finished in the computer labs! It saves energy and protects the computer. The only hack-proof
computer is one that is turned off.
Reuse-Recycle-Shred Day (March 21, MAC parking lot, 8:00AM until 12:00 PM)
MCC hosts this special event open to the community every semester. We accept the following recyclables from home or work: paper goods, plastic, metals, cardboard, and corrugated boxes. No need to remove staples or paperclips. Plastic containers must be empty. Please do not bring electronics, glass, styrofoam, batteries, tires, appliances, used oil or oil filters, antifreeze, hazardous waste, or carbon paper. We also offer document shredding. Cintas will accept items to be shredded and process them at their facility off-campus. In addition to our recycling efforts, we are hosting a Reuse Table. De-clutter your space and help us keep good stuff out of a landfill at the same time! Drop off clean, working items that you no longer need. If you see an item on the table that you want, take it. It's free. Any leftover items will be donated to Goodwill. Also, we will offer free mulch, located at the North 19th St. in a temporary parking lot. Physical plant folks will be there from 8:00 to 12:00 PM to load trucks or trailers.
Green Week (March 31-April 3)
MCC will host its Second Annual Green Week– a week long observance promoting a sustainable lifestyle and highlighting current environmental efforts on campus. We will also announce our RecycleMania and CCN results during the final event.
Monday (March 31), 11:00 AM- noon, SB 228: "Living Sustainably: How to Live a More Eco-Friendly Lifestyle" speaker Sarah Johnson
Tuesday (April 1), 11:00 AM-noon, SB 117: "Gardening 101" speaker Claudette Jackson
Wednesday (April 2), 11:00 AM- noon, SB 228: "Water Conservation" speaker Bryan Mohan - this event has been cancelled.
Thursday (April 3), 1:00-3:30 PM, courtyard between the LTC and SSC buildings: Green Week Capstone and Arbor Day Observance
Tree Campus USA Arbor Day Observance (April 3, 1:00-3:30 PM, courtyard between the LTC and SSC buildings)
Since 2011, the Arbor Day Foundation has recognized MCC as a Tree Campus USA college. To be awarded this designation, colleges and universities must establish a Tree Campus Advisory Committee, a campus tree care plan, a campus tree program with dedicated expenditures, an Arbor Day Observance, and a service learning project. MCC honors its Arbor Day Observance each spring by hosting a special event on the history and importance of Arbor Day, which includes invited speakers, a tree planting ceremony in recognition of faculty or staff, and a student volunteer opportunity to help care and maintain trees on campus. We will plant a red oak tree in recognition of Paul Holder, Professor in the Government Department.